Wednesday, July 17, 2013

who will pay reparations on my soul?

So. It's been a few years. Last time I was here I was a completely different person. To be honest six months ago I was a completely different person. And to be even MORE honest I was a completely different person yesterday and will be different, yet again, tomorrow. Someone close to me told me who I spent the day with today pointed out how strange I had been acting and how I've changed. All I could say is that I'm acting more like the person I've always wanted to be but at the same time been afraid of. I've had the time, recently, to get to know myself and actually start to like myself a little for the first time in my entire life. It's a slow process but every day it gets a little easier. I still struggle with feeling useless, unmotivated, and like a complete failure. But if I let myself fall into the trap that those feelings eventually lure me into I'll never get anywhere. I feel like for the past 7 years I've been stuck in a hole underground struggling to find air and barely breathing. Now I breathe deep and take advantage of every moment I can. One day at a time. 
